野生复合生普洱茶饼 (2021)
Origin: Yunnan Province, China
Year: Harvest in March 2021, pressing on April 2021
Profile: This tea is harvested from an untended wild tea field, allowing it to fully absorb natural nutrients throughout summer and winter. As a result, the tea has a very subtle yet strong cha qi. Grown without any human maintenance or heavy pruning, wild tea is highly sought after for its unique and complex characteristics.
Taste: Silky and creamy in texture, this aged raw pu-erh is exceptionally smooth to drink. It features impressive cha qi and a subtle aroma, with infusions that endure for a long time.
Brewing suggestions: 13 grams of tea leaves | Brew with boiling water | Steeping time 10 seconds | Re-infuse 8 times
For fullcake in Tin box
For fullcake break off tea in sealable bag